Super Bowl commercials as important as the game, but you won't see this one

Companies looking to air their commercials during the Super Bowl better make sure it's short and sweet. The 2019 Super Bowl will be televised on CBS and according to FOX Business, the station is charging between $5.1 million and $5.3 million for a 30-second slot.

This is the highest cost for a 30-second slot in Super Bowl history, breaking last year's $5.05 million on NBC. With that being said, this does not seem to stop companies from buying slots. As of Jan. 21, CBS has filled 90 percent of its slots and are expected to clear $500 million in advertising revenue from Super Bowl LIII.
Acreage Marijuana & Cannabis Investment Firm’s commercial was rejected by CBS when the company submitted it's commercial for the Super Bowl. The commercial portrays medical marijuana as a positive drug that is used to cure symptoms that other prescribed medication cannot.
That means CBS still has slots open for more companies to advertise themselves on the most-watched television broadcast of the year. Benefits of having your commercial televised during the Super Bowl could be endless. There are ways to have people talking about your commercial even after the Super Bowl, however there are ways to mess up an opportunity like this very easily. Here are four tips on making the most out of limited time.
1. Crunch the Numbers
First and foremost, make sure your company has the finances to cover this time slot. Since the 2008 Super Bowl, the average price has steadily increased.
2. Impactful Hook
Make sure the commercial has an impactful hook that loors the viewer into watching the
entirety of the commercial. According to Comscore CEO Gian Fulgoni, companies have
five to six seconds to grab the attention of millennials.
3. Pick An Angle
Remember, there are 50 to 60 other commercial slots and not all are going to stick with
the viewers. That being said, whether the commercial is to establish the brand or
introducing a new product, pick an angle. That angle could be funny, serious, sarcastic,
or even informational.
4. Have Social Media Presence
It is important to have an interactive social media presence on all platforms (Twitter,
Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat). Do not limit the advertisement to the 30-second or
minute time slot. A post that depicts when the commercial will air and a tease would give
viewers an idea of what the message is.
Pepsi and Doritos are just a few examples of teasers for their commercial on Super Bowl Sunday.
Is Pepsi OK? Is having Steve Carell, Lil Jon, and Cardi B in our #SBLIII commercial OK??? #PepsiMoreThanOK
— Pepsi™ (@pepsi) January 28, 2019
Chance the Rapper x The Backstreet Boys. Doesn’t get any hotter than this. 02.03.19 #NowItsHot
— Doritos (@Doritos) January 24, 2019
Anthony De Bono is a junior sports journalist at Arizona State University.